David Irving

David Irving, Holocaust denial, and his connections to right-wing extremists and Neo-National Socialism (Neo-Nazism) In Germany


Expert Witness Report written by Hajo Funke, Professor at the Free University of Berlin, Germany, on the Instructions of Davenport Lyons and Mishcon De Reya, Solicitors for the Purposes of Assisting the Queens Bench Division in the High Court in London in the Case between David John Cawdell Irving, Plainiff and Penguin Books Limited and Deborah E. Lipstadt, Defendants.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction.

1.1 Professional qualifications of the author.
1.2 Scope of the report.
1.3 Sources

2. The definition and concept of right-wing extremism [RWE] especially in the 1980s.

2.1 The question of a ban on extremist activities in German legal system.
2.2 Additional definitions from the political and social sciences.
2.3 `Old‘ and `new‘ RWE.
2.4 Features and peculiarities of old and new RWE in Germany after 1945.

3. David Irving and the right-wing extremist German People’s Union

[Deutsche Volksunion – DVUJ, the German National Newspaper [Deutsche Nationalzeitung – DNZ] and Dr. Gerhard Frey.

3.1 Irving’s earlier activities in Germany, 1978-1981.
3.2 Irving’s activities for the DVU, 1981-1987.
3.3 Irving’s activities for the DVU, 1990-1993.
3.4 Initial conclusions.

4. Double radicalization of RWE from the late 1980s and the role of Holocaust denial

4.1 German neo-National Socialists [neo-Nazis].
4.2 The Party of the Like-minded New Front
[Gesinnungsgemeinschaft der Neuen Front – GdNF], National List (Nationale Liste – NL], German Alternative [Deutsche Alternative – DA], National Alternative (Nationale Alternative – NA].
4.3 Guenther Deckert’s radicalized NPD.
4.4 Irving’s conversion to Holocaust denial and Holocaust denial (radical revisionism) as a core element of the German neo-Nazi Network.

5. Chronological breakdown

5.1 1989:`German historians – liars and cowards.‘
5.2 OPC observations 1989.
5.3 1990: `Truth Frees‘ [`Wahrheit macht Frei‘].
5.4 OPC observations 1990.
5.5 1991: `the total catastrophe‘ and how Irving reacted.
5.6. OPC observations 1991.
5.7 1992: the `International Campaign for Real History‘ falters.
5.8 OPC observations 1991.
5.9 1993: expulsion.

6. Judicial Sanctions

6.1 Partial speaking ban [Redeverbot] of 8 November 1991.
6.2 Irving’s arrest as leader.of an illegal demonstration, 21 May 1990 and the consequences.
6.3 The speaking ban [Redeverbot] of 9 September 1992 and 9 December 1992,.and Irving’s ultimate exclusion from Germany.
6.4 Further appeals.

7. The containment of David Irving’s activities and his shrinking influence since 1993/1994, but ongoing identification with Holocaust denial.

8. Conclusions


1. Abbreviations

2. Biographies